Do we gain weight eating bread? Here’s the answer!

Omnipresent in the daily menu, bread is a food rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential fibre necessary for the proper function of the body. Consumed in large quantities, it can lead to extra kilograms added to the silhouette. The truth is that it only leads to weight gain when consumed in excess.
Bread is the enemy of women when they are on a diet. They are giving up on bread consumption, so according to some studies, 43% of those who try dieting will cut off bread completely of the menu. 20% feel guilty if they eat it, while half of the women are confused about the new bioproducts displayed in bakeries.
Let’s see how we need to consume bread and how much bread we need to eat.
By eating bread we have access to several vital nutrients for the body. Calcium, iron and vitamin B are key nutrients found in bread.
A study published in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry has shown that white bread can significantly stimulate the growth of good intestinal bacteria, called lactobacilli, helping to protect our intestines from digestive disorders. However, when you have the choice between white bread and whole bread, choose the second alternative. It has been scientifically demonstrated that whole grain bread can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Soluble dietary fibre may also reduce cholesterol and help improve blood sugar. If it is consumed properly, bread can help stimulate the digestion process and increase energy. For example, a slice of rye bread has only 30 calories, 1 gram of protein, 5.5 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of fibre and less than 0.1 grams of salt. All this makes it healthier than a bun of white flour, which has over 110 calories.
In the end, several types of research showed that the bread does not make us gain weight as long as it is not consumed in excess. It is being recommended to eat only two slices of bread a day.
Bread consumption also has advantages
It brings proteins. Nutritionists say it’s unfortunate to totally remove bread from nutrition due to its irreplaceable nutritional attributes: it has no fat, it gives the body protein and fibre in large quantities and is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates.
With a starch intake of 40-50 g per 100 g, the bread partially covers the body’s daily needs in complex slow sugars that contribute to food balance. Complex bread sugars also help in avoiding hypoglycemia and lust between meals, resulting in a sense of long-lasting satiety.
100 g Calories
White wheat bread 234
White wheat bread with potatoes 223
White bread without salt 225
Black bread 203
Graham bread 211
Rye Bread 212
Bread consumption – what to keep in mind
According to recent data, people are eating daily 350 grams of bakery products. More than this and excessive bread consumption will make you fatter, leading to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol (LDL). Even if it is toasted, the bread will still add fat to the body, because by toasting it you only lose the water from the product, the calories remaining the same. On the other hand, if you know with what products to associate the bread, there is less chance of gaining weight. Do not eat bread with fat cheese, pasta, rice, potatoes and fruits.
Bread is eaten only with cooked or raw vegetables, weak dairy, eggs or lettuce. We recommend home-made bread from ingredients such as rye flour and whole wheat flour. Due to our busy lives, it is also possible to miss out on essential protein vitamins and minerals when we diet. It is always a good idea to take a supplement such as.. Coolherbals MultiVitamins ( For men : Coolherbals Advanced Vitamins, Minerals & Phytonutrients for Men , For women : Coolherbals Advanced Vitamins, Minerals & Phytonutrients for Women)
Because it has many vitamins, fibres and minerals, black bread or graham bread is healthier than the white bread. The latter is more refined and contains three times fewer nutrients than other types of bread. Besides, it has a lot of E’s that make it fluffier and last longer.
Careful when you buy bread! Read the label carefully and choose only the one in which no E, hydrogenated and saturated fats are found.